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Are you a trans man or transmasculine person and want to learn more about HIV prevention? You may be eligible to participate if: You are...

LITE Plus is a longitudinal cohort study that will enroll 200 Black and Latina transgender women and follow them for two years. This...

UNICXS: Trans People for Social Inclusion
The UNICXS project aims to adapt components of Fenway’s Violence Recovery Program to increase capacity of Peruvian partners to...

The PATH Project: Plan and Act for Transgender Health
The PATH Project (Plan and Act for Transgender Health), is a partnership of local gender-diverse community members, The Fenway Institute,...

The LEGACY Project: Transgender cohort study of gender affirmation and HIV-related health
The LEGACY Project is a community-based transgender cohort study which aims to longitudinally evaluate whether medical gender affirmation...

LITE: Leading Innovation for Transgender Women's Health and Empowerment
The purpose of this study is to learn about the health and wellbeing of transgender women and trans feminine people in the eastern and...
Increasing the Capacity of School Health Professionals to Address LGBTQ Student Bullying
The goal of this multi-phase project is to develop and pilot an intervention to increase the capacity of school health professionals...
HIV Risk and Psychosocial Health Among Transgender Women in Peru
This study aims to characterize co-occurring psychosocial factors and their influence on HIV risk and biobehavioral prevention uptake...
Advancing U.S. Transgender Health Research
The goal of this research is to advance U.S. transgender population health research and inform clinical care. Epidemiological research on...
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